i-Handbook v1.0.4是应用于钻井工程设计计算的小程序,由斯伦贝谢开发。可以DEMO运行,或可正式安装后使用。
n. 手册;指南She is reading a handbook on cooking.
She is reading a handbook on gardening.
n. 手册,小册子Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas.
Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper.
Correct me if I'm wrong , but isn't this last year's brochure?
四、What is a Handbook in Education? A Comprehensive Guide
A handbook in education serves as a valuable resource for educators, students, and parents alike. It provides essential information, guidelines, and policies related to a specific educational institution or program. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the definition of a handbook in education, its importance, and the key elements it typically includes.
Definition of a Handbook in Education
A handbook in education refers to a written document that outlines the policies, procedures, expectations, and guidelines of an educational institution or program. It serves as a comprehensive reference guide to ensure consistency, clarity, and effective communication among all stakeholders in the education community.
Importance of a Handbook in Education
Handbooks play a crucial role in maintaining an organized and accountable educational environment. They serve as a tool to inform and educate stakeholders about the institution's mission, vision, goals, and rules. Here are a few key reasons why handbooks are important in education:
- Communication: A handbook facilitates clear communication between the institution and its stakeholders, establishing a common understanding of expectations and procedures.
- Consistency: By providing consistent guidelines, a handbook promotes fairness and uniformity in decision-making processes.
- Transparency: A well-crafted handbook ensures transparency by outlining rules, policies, and procedures, creating a sense of trust and accountability.
- Orientation: New students, parents, and educators can refer to the handbook to familiarize themselves with the institution's culture, values, and practices.
- Legal Compliance: Handbooks often include legal information, ensuring that the institution operates in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Key Elements of a Handbook in Education
A comprehensive handbook in education typically includes the following key elements:
- Mission and Vision Statement: Describes the educational institution's overarching goals and guiding principles.
- Code of Conduct: Outlines expected behavior, disciplinary actions, and consequences for students and educators.
- Academic Policies: Includes information on grading systems, attendance requirements, assessment methods, and academic integrity.
- Curriculum and Course Offerings: Provides an overview of the institution's academic programs, course descriptions, and prerequisites.
- Parental Involvement: Highlights the importance of parental engagement and outlines opportunities for involvement in their child's education.
- Health and Safety: Details procedures for emergencies, health services, safety protocols, and the well-being of students and staff.
- Technology Guidelines: Provides information on the use of technology, internet access, and responsible digital citizenship.
- Conflict Resolution: Describes procedures for addressing conflicts, grievances, and mediation within the educational community.
- Appendix: Includes additional resources, forms, and contact information for various departments and support services.
In conclusion, a handbook in education serves as a vital tool for educators, students, and parents by providing essential information, guidelines, and policies. It fosters effective communication, promotes consistency, ensures transparency, and helps stakeholders navigate the educational environment. A well-designed and comprehensive handbook sets the foundation for a successful and cohesive educational community.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article and we hope it has provided you with a deeper understanding of the role and significance of handbooks in education.
英文的精确原意不是一两句讲得清的,但粗略区分的话,在中文里可以这么解释:booklet: 小本书 (尺寸小于普通书籍)
pamphlet: 单子 (如宣传用之各类传单)
brochure: 册子 (像是公司的介绍册或商品信息册之类)
handbook: 手册 (如工作手册或使用手册之类)
SchweserNotes是美国一家FRM培训机构Kaplan出品的备考资料,其浓缩了FRM的核心考点,是根据FRM考纲编写的简写本,但因为研发时间较短,所以该备考资料还不够成熟。而Handbook是GARP协会对FRM考试的教科书CoreReading做的浓缩精简材料,是每位FRM考生的必备资料。 FRM(FinancialRiskManager)是全球金融风险管理领域顶级的权威国际资格认证,由美国“全球风险管理协会”(GlobalAssociationofRiskProfessionals,简称GARP)设立。 GARP是一个拥有来自超过195个国家的150000名会员的世界最大的金融协会组织之一,主要分别服务于5000多家银行、证券公司、学术研究机构、政府管理机构、资产管理机构、保险公司及非金融性公司等。其主要职能是通过信息交换,实施教育计划,提高全世界金融风险管理领域的标准。
FRM HANDBOOK是一定要具备的,无论您是为了考试还是专业工作上所需,这本书都是您的必备工具书之一,FRM考试亦会从这本书出相当多的比例,若您读了FRM HANDBOOK觉得不足的部分或是无法掌握重点就必须回头看教科书了。个人建议一定要精读HANDBOOK,因为HANDBOOK是GARP协会的FRM考试委员会推荐的综合性考试辅导教材。
NOTES是KAPLAN根据FRM考纲制定的简写本,由于其对FRM考试的研究还比较初步,所以近5年的FRM NOTES的评价都相对比较差,误导了大量的考生。而HANDBOOK是对FRM考试重点知识的讲解,HANDBOOK是GARP协会的FRM考试委员会推荐的综合性考试辅导教材。
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